Build mobile-friendly marketing campaigns with the MailChimp builder.
In your account’s dashboard, go to Templates and click Create Template. Select Import zip and select from the item folder. With over 90 modules, the upload process can can take up anything from 1 to 3 minutes. Things will run more smoothly once the template is uploaded.
Switch to design mode by clicking Edit Design. Use the color options to customize the overall theme. You can replace the default background image paths with your hosted versions,
eg. url(PATH/bg_drops.png). Please note that at this point you can only edit the general design, or the template’s raw code. Hit Save and Exit when finished.
Next setup a new campaign with the saved template. Go to Campaigns and click on Create Campaign. In the Select a template section click Saved Templates and select the template.
Add/remove blocks by clicking the -, + buttons. Use the demos blocks as a guide for creating custom layout options. Click the section you want to edit for the content editor.
You can also save the result as a seperate template by clicking on Save as template from the builder’s menu.
Extra information
If you're having trouble with your purchase and need assistance you can get in touch with me by going to the Support tab on the item page.
You can find the Support tab on the ThemeForest item page.
A quick way to do this is by going to the Account menu and clicking on Downloads. Find the item and click on the title.
You can also use the form on the EnvatoMarket profile page.